Hi y'all This morning I woke up with a vivid dream that lingered for several hours. I dreamed about my mom and her ALS and what I could do about it. It was an intense dream like someone shouting in my face for hours on end. I felt like I had to do SOMETHING. Don't just be a bystander watching her body go through the stages of ALS and do nothing. I can't do that. I have to do something. This horrible disease is claiming my sweet and beautiful mother. Do something....anything...that is the feeling I woke up with. As I made my way from home to the dentist office I kept seeing the huge ALS campaign posters through the city and with each poster I got more angry. When ALS enters your family the posters you see with faces of people asking you to fight for them since it is too late for them, that is when you realize that each and every face on these posters is your family member. In my case it is my mom. And thus I decided that I AM DECLARING WAR ON ALS. This disease has to die...