When you have been around long enough you know certain things that you won't truely know until you've actually been around for more than a few years. A sucky message to youth but a true one too. Time is literally all you need (well and oxygen, water, food, shelter....ugh...the basics) With the year coming to a close I need some time to reflect and set new goals. Running wise I didn't get to where I wanted to be. I broke my wrist and my anckle and just this week I felt that I could run twice and wear high heels without my anckle shapeshifting into a big ass water melon. Nope...I didn't run the 1000 miles I had set out for myself. Heck I'm happy if I even ran half that distance but I'm sure I didn't even get those miles in. Did it tick me off? Like a fury on a bad day it did. You can bet your sweet ass it annoyed the crap out of me and what's more I learned that I can not deal with muggle fakers on run shoes when I'm cut off. Nope. I can be completel...