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Posts uit oktober, 2019 tonen

watching my oars drift off

Hi y'all, Last Sunday I ran Eindhoven, the half. Not the full. You all know I had my doubts about running a full since the summer heat but in the end that was not what tipped me in deciding against running the full. In the end I ended up having quite the scare ending up in the emergency room stuck to a heartrate monitor being probed and poked for blood. I was working from home that particular day and out of the blue I started having chest pains that I can only describe as severe and quite painful muscle cramps. I flared up and I got very naucious to the point where I literally thought IS THIS IT?! I called my husband because I was afraid my GP would think it was a heart attack and sent me to the next village where we actually have an emergency room (because my town doesn't)...let this sink in....I didn't wanna get shipped to a hospital because I was scared it was my heart which immediatly would mean the end of running season. Yep...stupid. My man got quite clear, using hi...