Hi Y'all In this crazy world we live in we have a few options; we can be a hole of sorts and not give an extrament about science and people working in ICU's or we can actively decide to believe the people that went to medical school, became doctors and are not just capable, knowledgable and trained but they are also willing to help you survive if you do catch this virus. This post is not a rant on how tragically stupid half of my country responded to this ascensionday beautiful weather weekend. I know the other half of this piece of the globe is not acting like a hole of sorts and that other half is you. I don't wanna go all hell-hath-no-fury on your asses since you did not go to the beach or park or any other public place acting like the country just got liberated from some sort of mass killing maniac. You stayed home, you were smart and you did not party about so...I wanna just give you something nice to read. In this crazy world I like to try stuff just to keep my ...