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Posts uit mei, 2020 tonen

Getting ideas

Hi Y'all In this crazy world we live in we have a few options; we can be a hole of sorts and not give an extrament about science and people working in ICU's or we can actively decide to believe the people that went to medical school, became doctors and are not just capable, knowledgable and trained but they are also willing to help you survive if you do catch this virus. This post is not a rant on how tragically stupid half of my country responded to this ascensionday beautiful weather weekend. I know the other half of this piece of the globe is not acting like a hole of sorts and that other half is you. I don't wanna go all hell-hath-no-fury on your asses since you did not go to the beach or park or any other public place acting like the country just got liberated from some sort of mass killing maniac. You stayed home, you were smart and you did not party about so...I wanna just give you something nice to read. In this crazy world I like to try stuff just to keep my ...


Hi y'all, In this week's post I wanna talk inspiration. Or better yet, this week's lack thereof. Last week I have had a cold combined with a congested chest and a few days of massive headaches of the kind that makes you crosseyed. Today's second digital clubrun took place so I ran a slow 10k but after an entire week of no training non what so ever this felt good. So ...inspiration. In this week's  post I'm just gonna share some quotes and pictures that inspire me in running. Ten times inspiration in the hope I will spark at least one person's fuel to go out for a run. Do you ever have the feeling 'I could run that!' when you pass a bridge? I always do. So the bdriges featured here are the ones I ran or want to run. This one is still on the list: The bridge that stretches between Denmark and Sweden got famous because of the TV series BROEN (bridge) which was redone by the Americans  in a series called The Bridge (why? the original was way ...

on this day 25 weeks from now

Hi y'all, On this day 25 weeks from now I will have crossed the finish line in the big apple. On this day 25 weeks from now another box can be checked from my bucket list. On this day 25 weeks from now I will have seen all the 5 buroughs and I will end my full marathon days. On this day 25 weeks from now another impossible will turn out to not be impossible at all....just 25 more weeks from now, that is if life has returned to what we used to call normal. Can we be sure of that? No not at all. Will I still stick to what I promised to do? Yes. So this morning I realized that the number on the scale once again does not match my goal and 25 weeks??? Look I won't lie to you. It is not at all as bad as it was the first time around. We are talking a few kilo's not a massive near 30 that need to be dropped but...still mapping it out is a scary undertaking for me. Why? because ...My name is Marlies and I'm an anorexic. If you'd see me now you probably think that I ...

Doing good feels good

Hi y'all Another week has come and gone and today I wanna share a story with y'all about sharing, doing good and feeling good. For me running is as much a sport I share as it is a solo experience. Now for those following me around you guys know that about me. For those that are just getting to know me: trust me there is no sport out there that in solitary makes you feel like you're part of a group. Just one of the levels of duality in runnning. You are the one doing it but by sharing your run with others, be that virtual or in real life, you will meet the most welcoming, the most supportive group of people ever. I have tried and lived through many sports but only in running did I find likeminded people that set out to better themselves and cheer on others along the way. Only in running have I found people that truely want to see you succeed and only in running have I picked up runners on the brink of giving up and have I been picked up when I was about to give it up altog...