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Posts uit juni, 2013 tonen


During my workout this morning it hit me: on this blog I have been writing about my workouts and the good cause I am running for and such but what I have not been doing so far is actually write about running. Well at least not as far as I can remember. And since last weekend I got asked what it is I like in running I might as well try to tell you guys. I am not so sure it's going to make sense but it is an attempt to explain the why in running for me, so here it goes: Running is a twisted sport. A game between the mind and the body. How? Well this is what kind of happens to me during any given workout. I get this urge to go for a run. Sometimes because I'm in a seriously bad mood, sometimes because I am just in the mood to get out there but mostly because my schedule for the half marathon requires me to do so. The moment I get into my running shoes I get jumpy. Literally. I feel like jumping up and down. Than I set my runkeeper app (I am not one for 'naked' running), ...

Post Florida update

Well well well yet another month has passed and what a great month. We have had the privilege to fly to Florida and spent two weeks in blissful sunny weather and temperatures to go with that, riding hilarious rollercoasters and enjoying some spectacular wildlife. Did I run? Hate to dissapoint you but I have to be honest that I didn't. SHAME ON ME. However the strange food habits (fry everything and/or serve with bacon...mind you I am a vegetarian) of the Floridians made us Dutchies turn to the supermarket for some good old fruit and vegetables and so this time our trip to the USA made us actually drop some numbers on the scale. Wow. We had an amazing time snorkeling the coral reef at John Pennekamp coral reef state park and riding the shark valley trail at the Everglades. Oh and for all of you Harry Potter fans out there: The wizarding world of harry potter in Orlando at universal's Island of adventure is really good! A must see. Well than how am I doing on my runs? Actually ...