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Favorite foods

People sometimes come up to me and ask me what I eat since I run about 40km each week now. I look, compared to other runners, not very much like a runner. I am not a very skinny and totally ab-packed likes-to-run-around-in-underwear kind of runner. I never ever run in shorts and I don't even like the tanktops but since I do not like overcooking myself either I do run in those. Anyway, sometimes I get asked what I eat. Well I'm not sure what to make of that question (see previous remarks about me not being a flat-chested-skinny-chick) but I can tell you this:

1. I eat carbs (SHOCKER) Yes I do and I do so because my sports nutritionist has done an awesome job in getting me on a stable weight and since I started eating regular wholesome food I can honestly say that I feel less hungry while running the long distances and I am getting faster too! I can eat good wholegrain bread (might be sour dough etc)and my belly does not blow up, I do not gain weight and my blood sugar levels have been stable for a long time now. So hurray to carbs! 2.I eat at least two pieces of fruit daily and I eat at least 200 grams of greens a day. 3. I do not eat meat at that means NO CHICKEN either. You see they are not made out of tofu. You did know that right? I mean is chicken! 4. I do eat fish. Preferably the fatty kind such as mackerel, herring and salmon. I rather not eat tuna or eel since there's hardly any left. I chose my fish carefully and make sure it is captured in the best possible way for both fish and environment. 5. I love my pasta. I do. But I hardly ever eat the white regular kind. I eat the wholegrain and organic kind. And last but definately not least: 6. I love my porridge in the morning. It took me a while to figure out what kind of food gets me started and keeps me moving on those long runs (10km or more) and for me it is oatmeal. A good, full bowl of oatmeal right about an hour and a half before I start my run. I have perfected my porridge recipe and since you are all dear to me (well you are my readers right?) I will share this most secret art of making THE perfect porridge with you. So here it goes:

You will need: 1/2 a cup of oatmeal (yes half a cup if you are planning to run 10km or more and do not wish ravage the fridge in the evening), a microwave safe bowl (or a sauce pan if you are deadset against the microwave thingy), water, cinnamon, a drop of milk (I use the non-fat kind) and golden syrup (unless you think honey/agave/maple is more healthy for you than the cain sugare based golden syrup.. feel free to use that) and for the gutsy people: a good dash of grinded red chili peppers. And here's what you do:

Drop the oatmeal in the bowl. Add water until right above the porridge...about half a fingernail before you can actually touch the oatmeal. Than pop it in the microwave for about 1,5 minutes if you have a 1200watt microwave (as I do), take it out and stir, pop it back in and never ever lose sight of it because it tends to overcook and gross out your entire microwave and unless you really love scrubbing your oven...hmmm I would just keep an eye on it all. Anyway after about three minutes your porridge should be really sticky and thick. If you cook your porridge in a sauce pan than you have to stir it all the time with a wooden spoon and make sure you scrape the entire bottom of the pan. It takes about ten minutes to cook your porridge once the water starts to boil. Do take down the heat once the water is boiling and remember to never let your pan out of sight ever! Take it out of the microwave and add just a splash of cold (!) milk. Than you take a teaspoon and you stick it in the jar of golden syrup (I suggest using Lyle's golden syrup) and you just twist the spoon until you have about a lollypop kind of teaspoon. Take the teaspoon over to your bowl and let the syrup drip off of your spoon. Yes you can use your finger to get it off. Once the golden syrup is in the porridge you add as much cinnamon as you like and for me...well...I like to add the grinded red chili peppers. They give it an extra bite and spice up your metabolism. And there it is...perfect porridge! Enjoy

Until we read again, as always

Love Marlies


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