Hi y'all, Another week in marathon training and in my life has come and gone. Some weeks pass by hardly noticed and uneventful and others slap you in the face like a hailstorm in August. This week my world got rocked once again as I learned that after three years of hard and loyal work, there is still not a change on me getting tenure. In the Netherlands we don't have a tenure track but we have this system that allows companies (or universities) to hire people on temporary jobs for a maximum of two years. It used to be three. Tenure in higher education here should be given to you after those years but cost effiency dictates otherwise... Even though I have been in this game for nine years and even though I can wordly predict what will be said, it hurts. It is not about how good you are at your job, it is not about competence or being loyal. It is a game of numbers and quite honestly? I am done being a number. I am so much more than that and I am worth taking a change for. I ha...