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New year's runsolutions: Rethink, reschedule, redefine

Hi y'all,

With 2016 coming to a close I am, like many others, trying to focus on closing and starting up. Out with the old, in with the new. December has always been the most magical month of the year for me. The cold brings in this almost eery serenity on your early morning runs. The fog lingering over the frost bitten gras, frozen over lakes and canals, the sky coloring crimson red with the sun trying to break the night's dark blue. Go out for a run and you can imagine running into a wizard with his wand out conjuring a patronus just for practice (oh yeah...I am a true Potterhead). December is magical and this year I once again find myself redefining my wishes. Alas I'm still recovering from my my IT-band injurie but this year I am travelling the road of the wise. My goals can only be reached by being the smart one now. So I am rethinking my runcketlist and I have come up with a good schedule for the big moments:

- January 8th 2017 Saucony Egmond quarter marathon.
- March 19th 2017 Utrecht half marathon
- June 3th 2017 Stockholm marathon
- October 15th 2017 Amsterdam marathon

Making a runcketlist / wishlist helps me find my focus and thus helps me to rethink my goals. What do I want to accomplish for 2017? First of I want to run another marathon. As painful and hard as running my first has been, it also gave me such an amazing sense of purpose and I felt surrounded by the people I hold dear in my life all the way. I want 2017 to be the year in which I run at least 1 full marathon but I am aiming for two.

Three weeks ago my training to become a running coach has started. Can you believe it?? Me becoming a coach? But yeah this is actually happening! Now that I am unemployed I have decided to make the most of this time and so I signed up for the course program at  When I heard that I got in I was so excited that I literally jumped with joy in my living room and now the first two days of running coach school are done. I am learning so much on anatomy, physiology, running techniques, core, strength and trainingprograms that my head is spinning but I love it. I just wish I could take it all in at once and put it to practice but,,...some of the things I need to learn first because I simply never did. It's creating a form of hyper awereness on my own posture and technique but at the same time I find myself staring after runners passing me by assessing their skills. This awereness  also created a new, somewhat vain, goal. I want to cross the finish line in Egmond with good posture and a true athletic finish line picture. Now just thinking about your posture makes you do weird things by which you are more likely to mess it up than to achieve it but I can't help it, I want at least one picture in 2017 that shows me performing all the right techniques. My first photo-op will be January 8th in Egmond.

Now do I stop here? Ofcourse not! About three months ago I got my brother on his first runner's shoes and he started working on his first race ever. We will cross the finish line of the Vondelparkloop on Januray 15th 2017 together after completing two rounds making a total of 6,7 km. In order for my brother to run those kilometers we will testrun with his first 5k on December 25th of this year. That run will provide me with the needed info on how he's doing plus it will kick off our christmasdinner with a nice little calorie burn thus decreasing the total intake of that day. Another thing I want do accomplish is finding a way for me and my dad to run together, He asked me to coach him and I am honered but also a little in over my head because he's a 71-year young heart patient on beta blockers so I need to learn more on MaxHF and beta blockers before I feel safe coaching him. I believe it's my task to create a safe environment for both of us so I want to hear from his GP and his cardiologist first. A great learning opportunity for me. Furthermore I want 2017 to become the year in which I run with more family and friends. I love that I am now running with the friend I know since day 1 kindergarten. I want more of that and with more people.

Last but most definately not least I want to make perfect prefect at my runclub again and help my fellow snakes win the house cup . I am a devoted runner for Slytherin house since about spring this year and I love the sense of community this digital runningclub has given me. You run to create funding for charitable organizations by using the charity miles app, you take part in virtual races and the proceeds of medals and shirts go to an event specific charity. Each and every event you make the world a little better and all you need to do is run. The medals and shirts are awesome,

In short my new year's runsolutions are:
Run a lot, run with family and friends, become a running coach, coach runners, become prefect, help Slytherin win the housecup. So yeah....I think my motto still applies: Keep it unreal and make it happen. No limits, no regrets.

That's it for now, until we read again
As always, love Marlies


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