Hi Y'all, Some runs are good, some are not just like days and people are I guess. Being raised a rebel with a country soul and a lot of love for all things considered freedom, I learned at a very young age that you don't ever ask ' why me?!' but you pull down your hat and scream 'TRY ME!'. The latter almost always being a challenge either to you or to the person having the nerve to cross you. Yesterday was a bad day. I had been working 20 hours over two of my days off and when I did start out on my run I immediatly felt it was a bad idea. Not just any bad idea but the mother of all bad ideas. My legs were so tired I started to sway one mile in, I felt dizzy and sick and right there and than I decided to call it quits. I hardly ever do that but this one was just me asking for a whole lot of problems. I was sad and angry. I couldn't even get a run in. When I got home I ate, took a shower and crashed on the couch under a blanket feeling absolutely exhaust...