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Posts uit september, 2018 tonen

Home is where the heart is

Hi Y'all, Some runs are good, some are not just like days and people are I guess. Being raised a rebel with a country soul and a lot of love for all things considered freedom, I learned at a very young age that you don't ever ask ' why me?!' but you pull down your hat and scream 'TRY ME!'. The latter almost always being a challenge either to you or to the person having the nerve to cross you. Yesterday was a bad day. I had been working 20 hours over two of my days off and when I did start out on my run I immediatly felt it was a bad idea. Not just any bad idea but the mother of all bad ideas. My legs were so tired I started to sway one mile in, I felt dizzy and sick and right there and than I decided to call it quits. I hardly ever do that but this one was just me asking for a whole lot of problems. I was sad and angry. I couldn't even get a run in. When I got home I ate, took a shower and crashed on the couch under a blanket feeling absolutely exhaust...

About change and choices

Hi y'all, Life as a runner is about a whole bunch of things and life as a runner somehow sometimes seems to be disconnected from your regular life, until your regular life starts to suffer from either running or not-running. How confusing this must be for non-runners and how completely normal this sounds to runners.What the juice is she on about? I'm talking about running and how life for a runner is about making choices to change for the better every single day. How so? change is not something that happens around you, it is not something you can force upon other people to create an easier path for yourself. Change is an active choice you make each and every day. If you want to be a nicer person: be one, if you want to lose weight: stop eating garbage, if you want to be a runner: start running, if you want to feel happy: smile, if you want to feel loved: start loving yourself. It is that simple. Change is about you committing to something even if nobody else seems to be wil...