Hi y'all, This post might get a little poetic, a little vague and even a little spiritual but in the end, life itself is a very long run and the only thing you can do is prepare yourself for the bad parts if that is even possible. Figuring life is a long run you might consider life is a sunday. Some Sundays are dull, dreary and grey. Some are quiet, mystical and freezing, some are buzzing with bees and the smell of a barbecue in a neighbouring garden, some are only goof for crawling under a blanket shutting out the world and than there a Sundays that seem to be made for epic adventures. With that in mind are you ready to join me in my cart spireling down the depts of Gringots with an uncertain vault content? If you are you might need a little sprint and a jump because I'm off. If you are not all that interested in my poetic/spiritual ramblings by all means stop reading right now. [inserting time for you to make up your mind] Good! You're still here. Now let's g...