Hi y'all,
I'm a huge fan of quotes and wisdom and other idiotic phrases that correctly state whatever it is I'm going through be it motivational, hilarious, iconic, sarcastic or even ironic. Just love m. And today this quote acurately reflects my state of mind:
Why? Because life once again tried to mess up everything. Seriously mess it up again and it got me back on high alert with emergency overnight bags packed in the trunk of my car just in case we needed to rush to the hospital again.
What that does to me? I become the wolve with teeth smiling at you not in a nice way. I become the NOT TODAY MUGGLE FUCKERS...I will find you and I will end you Liam-kinda-of-killer. I become the one person you really do not want to meet. I become the croc-brain-marathon-girl on survival with hightened senses and the will to kill if need be. Why? Because I am a runner and you will not mess with my loved ones. Running has provided me with the strength to overcome obstacles, the will to see it through to the end and the endurance to reach that last mile. So when life hits me in the face I turn to that part of me. Simply because I will not stand for my main man to be in pain and if you let him be, I will make sure your hell is bigger than his.
What happened? My man had another ileus-like episode and it scared the shit out us. He's had his sigmoid removed a couple of years back and had a severe ileus a year after, really really bad and ever since that time I am sincerely scared of losing him. So when he got clogged up this week my runner's instinct took over and I'm the kind of person that fights. I don't flee...I fight. I get up and I get shit done to make sure the right steps are taken. Running has taught me how to do that.
How? well in running long distances you will be in pain, you will wanna quit like all the time and at one point you only want it to be over. You will lose toenails, you will have blisters and you will have chafed skin on places that will burn like hell once you hit the shower. Running long distances is not for the cute soft hearted kinda of women and it's not a game for girls not used to shit. Running long distances will change you, it will scar you and it will be the best that ever happened to you simply because it will teach you how to handle the worst life throws at you.
When running those long runs what you need to do is to get up, get over yourself, push back the pain and smile. Yes SMILE. Fake your brain, fake the people around you. That smile are gritted teeth ready to bite but your brain will think you're having fun and it will reward you with a natural pain killer. Your surrounding will think you're having fun instantly smelting their hearts thus warming them up for their best version of themselves and yes that smile will get you a lot further than the angry face your brain wants to make.
That smile will shift your focus from pain, anger, wanting to quit to wanting to see it through. That smile is the one thing that reduces the pain you feel thus helping you cope and thát is exactly the reason I put that smile on my face and push through when I need to step up to the plate and get my main man the care he needs. I ran through chafed skin, blisters, broken wrists, the trots, puke and snot. I ate bugs, I've squated alongside the road during races, I've seen more porter potties than I can remember and I never gave up. When my man got sick again this week I turned croc brain and you know what? I am not sorry. I am not a nice person when the shit hits the van, I am a runner and though it might not be pleasant it get's the job done.
We're pretty much on the safe side now, not completely but a lot more than a few days ago so now it's time to take deep breath and look at the rubble left by this lack-of-shit-storm so to speak. I'm not ready to take the overnighters out of the trunk yet but I'm ready to exhale and slow down a little knowing this time around we are stronger, wiser and made out of titanium. This is just not happening again. It can't so I will fight this with every piece of run I have in me and trust me: I can outrun you any frekking day of the week you stupid A-Hole ileus! I run 26.2 miles FOR FUN!
That's it for now, keep it unreal and make it happen
Until we read again, as always
Love Marlies
I'm a huge fan of quotes and wisdom and other idiotic phrases that correctly state whatever it is I'm going through be it motivational, hilarious, iconic, sarcastic or even ironic. Just love m. And today this quote acurately reflects my state of mind:
Why? Because life once again tried to mess up everything. Seriously mess it up again and it got me back on high alert with emergency overnight bags packed in the trunk of my car just in case we needed to rush to the hospital again.
What that does to me? I become the wolve with teeth smiling at you not in a nice way. I become the NOT TODAY MUGGLE FUCKERS...I will find you and I will end you Liam-kinda-of-killer. I become the one person you really do not want to meet. I become the croc-brain-marathon-girl on survival with hightened senses and the will to kill if need be. Why? Because I am a runner and you will not mess with my loved ones. Running has provided me with the strength to overcome obstacles, the will to see it through to the end and the endurance to reach that last mile. So when life hits me in the face I turn to that part of me. Simply because I will not stand for my main man to be in pain and if you let him be, I will make sure your hell is bigger than his.
What happened? My man had another ileus-like episode and it scared the shit out us. He's had his sigmoid removed a couple of years back and had a severe ileus a year after, really really bad and ever since that time I am sincerely scared of losing him. So when he got clogged up this week my runner's instinct took over and I'm the kind of person that fights. I don't flee...I fight. I get up and I get shit done to make sure the right steps are taken. Running has taught me how to do that.
How? well in running long distances you will be in pain, you will wanna quit like all the time and at one point you only want it to be over. You will lose toenails, you will have blisters and you will have chafed skin on places that will burn like hell once you hit the shower. Running long distances is not for the cute soft hearted kinda of women and it's not a game for girls not used to shit. Running long distances will change you, it will scar you and it will be the best that ever happened to you simply because it will teach you how to handle the worst life throws at you.
When running those long runs what you need to do is to get up, get over yourself, push back the pain and smile. Yes SMILE. Fake your brain, fake the people around you. That smile are gritted teeth ready to bite but your brain will think you're having fun and it will reward you with a natural pain killer. Your surrounding will think you're having fun instantly smelting their hearts thus warming them up for their best version of themselves and yes that smile will get you a lot further than the angry face your brain wants to make.
That smile will shift your focus from pain, anger, wanting to quit to wanting to see it through. That smile is the one thing that reduces the pain you feel thus helping you cope and thát is exactly the reason I put that smile on my face and push through when I need to step up to the plate and get my main man the care he needs. I ran through chafed skin, blisters, broken wrists, the trots, puke and snot. I ate bugs, I've squated alongside the road during races, I've seen more porter potties than I can remember and I never gave up. When my man got sick again this week I turned croc brain and you know what? I am not sorry. I am not a nice person when the shit hits the van, I am a runner and though it might not be pleasant it get's the job done.
We're pretty much on the safe side now, not completely but a lot more than a few days ago so now it's time to take deep breath and look at the rubble left by this lack-of-shit-storm so to speak. I'm not ready to take the overnighters out of the trunk yet but I'm ready to exhale and slow down a little knowing this time around we are stronger, wiser and made out of titanium. This is just not happening again. It can't so I will fight this with every piece of run I have in me and trust me: I can outrun you any frekking day of the week you stupid A-Hole ileus! I run 26.2 miles FOR FUN!
That's it for now, keep it unreal and make it happen
Until we read again, as always
Love Marlies
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