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Posts uit december, 2019 tonen

Remember, let go and clear your space

Hi y'all, It is the 31st of December and for me that has always meant a great many things. It is a day of rituals for me. Growing up I learned how to tune in to the tidal waves of closure, letting go and opening up space. How do I upen op space? I run, I practice yoga and I recently started to meditate. On the last day of the year I always run so like always I ran out the year, I sprinted and let go of anger and sadness. I let go of all that is negative and toxic and I ran so fast my legs and my lungs felt like they were on fire and I nearly puked. Running out the old is my way of letting go of all that no longer helps me and by doing so creating space. When I am done with the last run of the year I take off the bling I've gathered over the year and just go over them. I have said this many times before: to me bling are memories frozen in time. Bling reminds me of great people and good times. So this year I ran little over 1000km and with that I generated 164 dollar...

Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered...

Hi y'all, With the long nights and few hours of day light I find it increasingly more difficult to get up and get my runs in. I know I always feel so much better after a good run but I think there actually might be some scientific evidence to my general notion that my energy level tends to drop in these darker days. How about you? So what do I do about it? I am fortunate enough to work from home 3 days a week which means I can use my normal rush hour commuter hours for training purposes.  I still hate getting up early and in wintertime it feels even more like I am waking up at the merde butt crack of dawn but winter has so much more going for me than just the dark against me. For instance: - Way better temperatures to run in. I absolutely love the sting of a good crispy frostbitten morning when all is quiet and the sun is just about to get up and sparkle the crap out of everything without making me feel like I've a melting tomatoe for a face. - Nothing gets rid of horri...

It's beginning to look a lot like christmas

Hi y'all, Best time of the year when everyone comes home. With all that christmas cheer it's hard to feel alone. Putting up the christmas tree with friends who come around. It's so much fun when christmas comes to tooooooown! Bring on the stockings, the advent calanders, the cookbooks, the big mugs of hot whatever content, the frosty runs, the dark cozy nights with the calming flames of yule logs (be them the netflix kind or the ones in bucket in your yard), stargazing, feel-good christmas movies, friends and family, love and laughter. This is my favorite time of year. The lights, the music, the food, the all that is december and the all that is peace and quiet. Each and every year I pray for snow to fall so all becomes quiet and calm and everyone embraces the miracle that is midwinter. For me running december means I get to look back at runs I ran accompanied my the love of my life, sometimes with friends and sometimes alone. Some runs good, some bad. Each and every ...