Hi y'all, One of the utmost important lessons you can learn as a fundraiser is this: IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU! Which is probably why it is so agrivating to watch half of my nation act like total idiots when it comes to Corona aka Covid19. What really pisses me off is this: complete families out including grandma's and grand dads not listening to the social distancing advice and even goings as far as to outright say into a camera for the entire nation to hear: 'Well....we're in a house together like all the time and we still didn't catch it so we're not having it' ... Okay I am going to be really rude here because maybe than you will understand this YOU ARE AN IDIOT!! It is not about YOU having covid19 because honestly nobody cares about that It's about you being a risk of spreading it. Go out with 4 at the same time and you INCREASE the risk of spreading this virus by 4! Following the most positive outcome for my country I will give you a very simple ...