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IT'S not about YOU!!!

Hi y'all,

One of the utmost important lessons you can learn as a fundraiser is this: IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU! Which is probably why it is so agrivating to watch half of my nation act like total idiots when it comes to Corona aka Covid19. What really pisses me off is this: complete families out including grandma's and grand dads not listening to the social distancing advice and even goings as far as to outright say into a camera for the entire nation to hear: 'Well....we're in a house together like all the time and we still didn't catch it so we're not having it' ... Okay I am going to be really rude here because maybe than you will understand this YOU ARE AN IDIOT!! It is not about YOU having covid19 because honestly nobody cares about that It's about you being a risk of spreading it. Go out with 4 at the same time and you INCREASE the risk of spreading this virus by 4!

Following the most positive outcome for my country I will give you a very simple calculation task and yes because you are really dumb I am assuming this is too hard for you so yes you can use a calculator! Is your kid in the room to help you out? You will need the help I guess:

Our nation roughly counts about 18 million humans. Half of the nation WILL get infected and this is a fact, not an opinion. So half of 18 million is 9 million humans that will have to deal with Covid19. Some of you might not show symptoms at all but have it anyway, most of you will get sick, a few will end up in  ICU and of those 9 million people about 2% will die. As in dead. As in lose life. Have you figured out yet how many of our inhabitants will CERTAINLY die??

Yes that is a lot KIDS losing a mom/dad/granny/gramps. Now let me repeat this: KIDS losing a mom/dad/gramps/granny. You know why? because the kids more likely than not will survive and they will grow up without YOU. Why? because YOU thought the social distancing thing was about you maybe catching the virus but guess what... IT WAS NOT. Because you didn't show any symptoms you figured you wouldn't spread the virus...but did and now you're parents are in need of care but because of you the ICU's have no more room to help your parents and because of you they will die. Yep because of you THEY WILL DIE.

Social distancing is a way to ease the curve in order for our ER and nurses and all other care takers to keep up the upcoming YEAR. It is NOT abou you getting sick it is about containing the spread of the darn virus. SO please....if you are still lucky enough to live in a country where you are allowed to run/walk/bike outside than follow these rules to keep this option open:

1. KEEP YOUR GD DISTANCE!! that means NO RUNNING/walking/biking  IN GROUPS and I don't give a hoot if you're family!

2. Do not lace up because you need to take your kids out when clearly you NEVER RUN. First of all y'all outside so spread risk is x time the amount of people in your family and 2nd....running is a high level impact sport which means you will get injured. Who the F is going to fix you up??

Now people I am usually not this rude on my blog, but today I am. Why? because I have friends risking their lives out there every day and you are making their jobs impossible. I am furious because this morning as I went out for my usual Sunday MARATHON training I nearly tripped over entire families on shoes unfit to run in taking up the entire bikeline leaving me to frogger over the road where cars drive about 70km/hr. YOU lot will make sure that our beautiful tiny speck off land so full of people in the end will face an entire lockdown simply because YOU thought social distancing was to help you prevent catching it.

When (yes when since I no longer belief this is an if) our nation will lockdown including the army and police controlling this, people like me will no longer be able to train for the sports they love and care for so so much. Even if YOU believe NYC marathon won't happen anyway and even if YOU believe Nijmeegse 4daagse won't happen anyway: WE STILL DO and we NEED to get our miles in to able to participate when the time's there. So please keep your distance!!

And to all of us marathoners and long distances marchers out there: Get creative and make sure you keep your distance too. Train early before 07:30 hours. Why? Given half the change the people not listening to government are the same people using this time like it is a vacation so they won't be up before that time. I'm angry and sad and worried but last week I took all my early morning hours and I totalled on 60.8km in walking and running. Why? because I do believe I will march that Nijmeegse 4daagse and I do believe I will run NYC Marathon. And as long as I am allowed to run and hike I will.

Stay safe people, stay healthy and what ever you do:

That's it for now
until we read again,
as always
Love Marlies


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