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Your mind is your pathway to freedom

 HI y'all,

The new year well on it's way and within those first ten days getting back to work, lockdown with an utmost certaintity to be prolonged, Covid barging in more hardcore than it seems to have done in first lockdown, an unpresidented run on the capitol, unworthy behaviour of the president of the US ....I have to admit I find myself screaming on the inside a lot. I don't feel berefth of a any priviliges I used to have, I don't feel poor, I am not lonely, I don't feel like I am locked inside a's not that. So what gives?

I am utterly done with this notion of freedom humanity seems to have adopted. A notion that is very one-sided and very ego-minded. I am done with people screaming that the right wing is polarizing conversation and lying to their followers when the people that are screaming this message into the world honestly hardly are any better. When you belittle people that just have nothing more to lose, when you talk about them like they are insane, shortsighted, idiotic or downright insane than riddle me this: How are you any better than they are? do you honestly feel that your point of view, your opinion, your voice is worth more than theirs? And riddle me this: Who made you ubermensch? do you truely believe that the system you are part of and in which you thrive is one for all? Honestly you very well know that it isn't. 

Do I agree with what happened on capitol hill? FUDGE NO! Do I believe this actions should have consequences? HECK YEAH! But I also feel like the system these HUMANS who are so deadset on overturning, are being lied to and in the end their dreams and believes will be shattered and it will leave them brokenwinged and dumbstruck. That one person they put on that pedestal, that one person they glorify beyond reason will betray them and has already done so. 

polarization has become a fashionable term that's being flung around for both the pandemic as the entire situation in the US. Polarizing on both accounts is being done on both sides, both sides are intolerant and both sides codemn the other. Be it on regulations or on the uncalled for actions of the president. 

I absolutely take a hard stand when it comes to following covid regulations, equality, systemic racism and discrimination. I will never shut my mouth when someone makes a lame ass F'In joke on the expense of another human and I will call you on your BS when you try to convince me that you are being serious about the covid rules when clearly you are not as much as you should be. But the fact is: WE NEED TO STOP being holier than thou. We need to take a deep breath and seriously reconsider how awesome we are because if you truely feel like you are that person that knows best than take a good look at your life and check these things:

1, Do you have a good roof over your head? 2. Do you have drinkable tap water running from your fosset/shower and toilet? 3. Is your fridge filled? 4. Do you have acces to internet on several devices? 5. Can you take a shower every day? 6. Do you have a washer/dryer combo? 7. Can you venture outside at least once a day? 8. Do you have enough money to put 3 wholesome meals on the table every day? Are you feeling berefth of your freedom right now? Are you angry about the gym being closed or godforbid your summer holiday plans again being cancelled this year? are one priviliged human being and don't know squat about how someone that doesn't have any of this or half of this should live their lives.'s to you: rethink your opinion and try to get of your frekkin high horse and humble yourself a little. 

The key to freedom resides in you mind. Nobody can take your thoughts away from you, nobody can stop you from dreaming and nobody can stop you from seeking calmth and peace. You can shut down the stream of updates that enter your life, you can make a choice to respond and you can decide if and if so  how you want to be part of the conversation of the day. Last week I decided to quit facebook for a while because the whole thing made me angry about everything when really I actualy don't wanna be and have no need to be. My life is actually pretty amazing. I am loved by the most amazing man, I have a job that pays the bills, I can run and walk outside, I have a personal trainer to help me reach my goals every other week and basically I am happy. 

So here it is: yes all of it is hard on me mentally because I do believe we are either too optimistic about vaccins or too loosy-goosy about the regulations or worse both. I am disgusted by what is happening in the US and it is painful and aweful. To keep my mind a space occupied by good tennants I have given up FB for now and I am making it my business to take care of myself by walking and running and excercising in general. I am staying away from screaming people and I am trying to listen to my own screams by evaluating them. Having a goal in mind to work towards works best for me so I stuck another half marathon plan on the wall and come tomorrow I will get back to working out with a plan. Can't wait to get back at it.

that's it for now, until we read again

as always, love Marlies


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