Check my latest run here So yesterday I went running with my coach again. I know he's not really my coach anymore but since he's the only one so far that seems to understand what I absolutely love in running, he to me still is my coach. However...Everytime I run with that group I am the slowest one there and You might have guessed by now that I hate that. Yesterday though I decided to enjoy myself and work hard but also listen to my body. To some extend ignoring that voice in my head Chris Powells describes so well but on the other hand also listening to the returning aching runners knee I really did not want to strain too much. I ended up being the slowest ever but my knee isn't killing me today and I was so happy I did join in for the run. I love running and I'm dead serious about running the Dam-tot-damloop 2013 and the half marathon after that. I know I can do it but I need to recover from that stupid Neuralgic Amyotrophy. That said.... Today I had a physical th...