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Posts uit april, 2013 tonen

Likes and losses of a she-devil

Check my latest run here So yesterday I went running with my coach again. I know he's not really my coach anymore but since he's the only one so far that seems to understand what I absolutely love in running, he to me still is my coach. However...Everytime I run with that group I am the slowest one there and You might have guessed by now that I hate that. Yesterday though I decided to enjoy myself and work hard but also listen to my body. To some extend ignoring that voice in my head Chris Powells describes so well but on the other hand also listening to the returning aching runners knee I really did not want to strain too much. I ended up being the slowest ever but my knee isn't killing me today and I was so happy I did join in for the run. I love running and I'm dead serious about running the Dam-tot-damloop 2013 and the half marathon after that. I know I can do it but I need to recover from that stupid Neuralgic Amyotrophy. That said.... Today I had a physical th...
Dear readers, As I'm about to dash out the door I thought I might want to update you on my training schedule so click right here to see what I am about to do now but that isn't all... If you want to see how I've done than you might want to try your luck here. Ofcourse this is a bit strange because it seems like I have only been training since this week but obviously that is not the case. This schedule is the one I will be using to train for the half marathon which is in october but since I'm training for the Damloop I thought it could be really good to end with the half marathon. Oh and before I forget: who has not seen the extreme makeover episode with Ashley kicking her weight to the curbe and starting a healthy life? check the episode right here I know what she's been through though Ashleys' struggle was way more difficult than mine but still I lost a lot of weight too. Her story reminded me of the person I never wanted to see in the mirror again. ...

Has it been a MONTH?

No way! It can't have been?! Wow that is shockingly long ago. What happened in all those weeks? Well I kept going and guess what? I ran a 10km race under the hour and I felt so proud. The race was called Brettenloop and I got off to a good start, felt like a million bucks and kept going. Finally I could take off that red ribbon that has been on my wrist for nearly a year as a promise to myself that I would finish a 10km race under the hour. Next to all the training I've done I also started a new 30 days challenge. This time it is write a poem every day and...I have done my first jobshadow experience. That was a really great day. Hopefully I get to do two more this month. What else? well I have my startbewijs for the Damloop 2013 since I have already raised 200,73 euro's for ZZF. Check it out: My fundraiser page and please donate! Every penny helps to get research done on Neuralgic Amyotrophy a disease I suffer from myself. I have had two attacks and I want this d...