No way! It can't have been?! Wow that is shockingly long ago. What happened in all those weeks? Well I kept going and guess what? I ran a 10km race under the hour and I felt so proud. The race was called Brettenloop and I got off to a good start, felt like a million bucks and kept going. Finally I could take off that red ribbon that has been on my wrist for nearly a year as a promise to myself that I would finish a 10km race under the hour.
Next to all the training I've done I also started a new 30 days challenge. This time it is write a poem every day and...I have done my first jobshadow experience. That was a really great day. Hopefully I get to do two more this month.
What else? well I have my startbewijs for the Damloop 2013 since I have already raised 200,73 euro's for ZZF. Check it out:
My fundraiser page
and please donate! Every penny helps to get research done on Neuralgic Amyotrophy a disease I suffer from myself. I have had two attacks and I want this disease GONE. Never heard of it? Well that is one of the biggest problems...docters haven't either and so most of the time they think you are completely insane and just don't believe you. Luckily for me I found an neurologist that actually recognized the disease and no thanks to my general practioner I got the help I really needed. So please help me raise money for the research on rare diseases such as Neuralgic Amyotrophy. Want to know more about it? read this:
An article on Neuralgic Amyotrophy on wikipedia
Together we can make it happen. I can run for it and I hope you will help me raise the funding these rare diseases so desperately need. Remember most sufferers are children under the age of five. That to me is unacceptable. We can make the change. Together.
Hi y'all, The world is filled with wishes, dreams, hopes and fears and I'm happy this tiny orb has all of m and yet that longing, that need, that hope for things to happen or maybe even the fear for them won't ever make anything happen. A dream alone will get you through a dark time but it won't make the night go away. Hope for better times will provide you with some sort of elastic band that might stretch a little further but it won't get you over that gap. A wish is nothing more than a whisper over candle light or a shooting star blasted into a universe that knows no sound and fears are the seeimingly unbreakable ties your mind has you wrapped in. The world won't give you anything, the universe can't hear you. People might and hopefully your mind will. Did you ever experience the absolute need to do something, no doubts nor fears about weather or not you're able to? That is exactly how I felt the first time I started training for a marathon. I wanted...
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