Hi y'all NEW DONATIONS ARE IN ON MY FUNDRAISING PAGE !! THANK YOU GUYS!!! After a complete week of working and keeping up with my schedule I think I am either completely crazy or insanely awesome. So for no good reason at all I'm inclined to stick with the latter. So what has been up? Well...two short runs, 2 long runs, work, hospital stuff and finding out what I have to do in order to complete my admission proces for my Educational Doctorate. Yes...I want to do that. But math and me are no friends and I have to take the GRE exam and guess what? Quantative reasoning is a huge part of that. However if I can run 34 km in a week (and I thought I couldn't that either) than I must be able to fix that math issue I have in 3 months right? Now the runs this week were challenging. Last thursday I had to run 13km and on km 6 I realized that I really really really needed a toilet so I turned around, took a shortcut, ran home (Sprinted is more like it but did you know that makes ...