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Posts uit augustus, 2015 tonen

When the going gets tough

Hi y'all NEW DONATIONS ARE IN ON MY FUNDRAISING PAGE !! THANK YOU GUYS!!! After a complete week of working and keeping up with my schedule I think I am either completely crazy or insanely awesome. So for no good reason at all I'm inclined to stick with the latter. So what has been up? Well...two short runs, 2 long runs, work, hospital stuff and finding out what I have to do in order to complete my admission proces for my Educational Doctorate. Yes...I want to do that. But math and me are no friends and I have to take the GRE exam and guess what? Quantative reasoning is a huge part of that. However if I can run 34 km in a week (and I thought I couldn't that either) than I must be able to fix that math issue I have in 3 months right? Now the runs this week were challenging. Last thursday I had to run 13km and on km 6 I realized that I really really really needed a toilet so I turned around, took a shortcut, ran home (Sprinted is more like it but did you know that makes ...

On and off the road

Hi y'all Just seven more weeks before the big run in San Francisco and a about three weeks before I run the 10 mile dam-tot-dam loop. The latter being the biggest event in the Netherlands. I'm excited and with each passing run I feel myself getting stronger even though some runs (like today's run) I'm at the verge of breaking down and collapsing and willing to give up and than I just... don't. If you are looking for a way to sponsor a good cause (tax deductable above 60 euro!) than feel free to donate some of your savings in order to fund research for stomach/liver/bowel diseases CLICK HERE AND DONATE The past week was a weird one. It started with summer holiday being over but than it really wasn't so I had another week left all at the sudden. That gave me and my love the opportunity the rent a cabin in the woods. We did bring our digital stuff with us because there was some work to do but I am honestly grateful for wifi and internet. I can now do so much wo...

The calm before the storm?

Hi y'all, Sooooo how have you been? What's been up this week? Well honestly? Not much. This week was nothing short of plain boring runschedule-wise. It sucked. Just three runs and all of them only about 4 miles. Now I don't know about you lot but with a week like that I can't think of new and invigorating routes or places to run. So this week was just... Now I'm not going to bore you with a stupid story on boring runs any longer than this so I figured this week I would give you some of my favorite running items. Not really an original thing to do either since I have seen many bloggers doing this, however I learned from other runners and I just believe that any worked through and tested out running-item-tip might be helpful. I mean I have been testing out tips from other runners myself and some items are now things I can't imagine going without. This post wasn't paid for by anyone and I know this might come across as a commercial break but I wasn't...

The heat is on....

Hi y'all, Another week, some 30km in and let me tell ya: it is HOT in the flatlands. Seriously disturbingly hot. Now normally I would not be complaining, you see I love summer and a good old fashioned hot day ending with a good old fashioned barbeque. I love this as much as any other southern loving country girl does... But when you have to get your miles in than this heat is something else. It is a force to be reckoned with. So you try to figure out a way to make it more fun for yourself and for your partner. You see my man ain't no runner and bless his soul for being the most supportive man a girl can get. He is always cheering me on whenever and wherever I run a race (fair enough maybe not the runs up to 10km, but all above that he's there) and now he's in a bit of pickle and needs some happiness in his life. So this week we figured it would be fun if he came along riding his bike. So last Wednesday I had to run 9.5km and he decided to come with me. It was a hor...

When the top of the world came crashing down....

Hi y'all What a week it has been. Half way point on my schedule and I skipped one training session last Sunday. Why? Well a lot is happening right now and for the mental sanity of the love of my life we decided to follow up on our GP's advice and get away from it all. So after my 11km run on friday we jumped in the car and drove to Antwerp for a much needed weekend getaway. Without going into the gory details I can tell you that the love of my life is having a very hard time right now. The past two years coping with a volvulus twice , an operation to remove a huge part of that bowel and in the aftermath of that a fourth complete blockage appear to have taken their toll on him. So after he came home last Wednesday he realized he needed more than just a break. I don't know what will happen next but last weekend we just got in the car and drove to our second hometown Antwerp and that was a good decision. I didn't run my scheduled 13km run on Sunday because it was way too...