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The heat is on....

Hi y'all,

Another week, some 30km in and let me tell ya: it is HOT in the flatlands. Seriously disturbingly hot. Now normally I would not be complaining, you see I love summer and a good old fashioned hot day ending with a good old fashioned barbeque. I love this as much as any other southern loving country girl does... But when you have to get your miles in than this heat is something else. It is a force to be reckoned with. So you try to figure out a way to make it more fun for yourself and for your partner. You see my man ain't no runner and bless his soul for being the most supportive man a girl can get. He is always cheering me on whenever and wherever I run a race (fair enough maybe not the runs up to 10km, but all above that he's there) and now he's in a bit of pickle and needs some happiness in his life. So this week we figured it would be fun if he came along riding his bike.

So last Wednesday I had to run 9.5km and he decided to come with me. It was a horrible run. I think I'm kinda figuring out how it works. You are capable of what you believe you are capable of and that day I was convinced it wasn't going to be good. And guess what? It wasn't. Way too hot and I just had to stop and walk every now and than just because I couldn't handle it. So I ran a 8m/km run, I got pretty moody and I felt like this:

Today my 13km long run was scheduled and I thought it would be nice to make this run a bit more interesting for my man and I rented an elliptigo bike for him. The lady from the rental place had already warned me that we would not be working out together as much since he would be four times faster. She was not exaggerating at all. He flew past me and I can only imagine him biking at least twice the distance I did today.

Now how did that go? I was doing pretty okay up till km 11. The big hill in Amsterdamse bos wasn't as bad as the first time I ran it and even the Bosbaan was fine until I hit that 11th km. I got hungry. I had one of those gels but my stomach started growling. I was doing okay ignoring that until km 12 and my legs started protesting. Started to feel heavy and they burned. The last kilometer was not easy. I had to really lean in to that feeling knowing that I wouldn't give up no matter what. I was sooooooo hungry. Good thing I learned my lesson well last time I ran here and I packed us lunch. So we went straight for the car and as I sat there eating my sandwich I felt so good. Even if it were just plain old simple sandwiches they tasted really really good. I must have looked like this because I was unable to talk. I just had to eat. But boy did I have a goooood lunch.

So one horrible run, one very cool one and two short runs that were just okay. It is strange to see how much the way you think of yourself or your own capability can influence the outcome of a run. A good lesson in self worth or appreciation. I had fun this week. I even noticed some new donations on my page. Thank you ever so much. It means the world to me to know that so many good people are there for patients with stomach/liver/bowel diseases. If you haven't yet but are still thinking of donating than please feel free to do so RIGHT HERE BY CLICKING ON THESE WORDS we are so grateful for it.

That's it for this week. I wish y'all the best of summer. It is my last week off before the circus of a teacher's life comes back with full force. Make the most of your time. Life is a gift that needs to be unwrapped to enjoy. Way too short to not be fully lived. No regrets!

As always, until we read again

Love, Marlies


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