Hi y'all
What a week it has been. Half way point on my schedule and I skipped one training session last Sunday. Why? Well a lot is happening right now and for the mental sanity of the love of my life we decided to follow up on our GP's advice and get away from it all. So after my 11km run on friday we jumped in the car and drove to Antwerp for a much needed weekend getaway. Without going into the gory details I can tell you that the love of my life is having a very hard time right now. The past two years coping with a volvulus twice, an operation to remove a huge part of that bowel and in the aftermath of that a fourth complete blockage appear to have taken their toll on him. So after he came home last Wednesday he realized he needed more than just a break. I don't know what will happen next but last weekend we just got in the car and drove to our second hometown Antwerp and that was a good decision. I didn't run my scheduled 13km run on Sunday because it was way too hot and I woke up way too late and honestly I was just too tired, I had way more to eat than I probably should have and the hours were crazy and I do not regret it at all. Not one bit. I was with my man and in the midst of all darkness we were able to laugh, cry, hold each other, be grateful for him being alive and just breathe for a while. He needed that and frankly...so did I. So no regrets.
I did however run four times of which bootcamp on Wednesday and my 11km run on friday were memorable runs. Wednesday was memorable because I needed to get out there and run and I did. I needed to not think and just shut the F up and run. For a change I didn't talk much during bootcamp and I tried to just focus on the run I was in. I felt alone, stupid and left out. Like I was invisible and it really hurt but in a strange way that just set things right/ shed some new light on it all. Once more it showed me running has to do with you in that moment and nothing else. Not another person, not another achievement, just you running that run. Friday was awesome because my man went with me riding his bike. I chose a route through one of the many many hipster spots Amsterdam has so we went rather early. It felt good to have him by my side just biking and checking the sites. check out my run here for some runspiration.
This week was strange and I have not many words to describe the severity of emotions that came rolling down. So this week all I can actually say is that I am proud of my man and that I love him with all that is me. I'm halfway on the big 10 mile run on September 21st and after that I will keep going for the half marathon in San Francisco. It would be awesome if you could find it in your hearts to donate some money for the cause I'm running for right here The stomach, liver, bowel foundation funds research and helps a lot of people. We have seen first hand how horrible life gets when your bowels don't function properly and we really do not wish this on anyone. Nobody should have to go through this. Nobody. Trust me.
All of this week's adventures made me think of this song The long way around by the Dixie Chicks. Click to see the video on youtube hope you understand why. And dear love of my life I can honestly say that
As always, until we read again
Lots of love, Marlies
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