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Posts uit september, 2015 tonen

Playing roulette with your emotions

Hi y'all After being part of the amazing Dam-tot-Damloop and having so much fun I am confident I can actually pull off the distance in San Francisco. The hills I'm a little nervous about but I'm doing everything within my options to get stronger so my legs will be able to carry me up and down the hills without losing too much time. This means I started seeing a physical therapist and I'm working on core stability and strength too about three times a week. I do have some breaking news  but I can't share it yet because not all details are clear. As soon as they are I promise y'all a memorable update. As for now....I have been training for the hills in San Francisco. How? Well....last Sunday my love set out a race course over 7 kilometers that included two pretty steep bridges: Amsterdamse brug and Schellingwoudebrug. Just a few pictures that Sander de Boer made for you to enjoy. Thank you Sander for being there all the way. I love you! At the base of the...


Hi Y'all Today I ran the biggest event in the running world. I ran the Dam-tot-Damloop. 10 Miles from Amsterdam to Zaandam and you run straight through the IJtunnel (how-low-can-you-go...below sealevel to the max!). It is an amazing run that you should run if you have never done it before.At the start I felt confident and happy. I knew I could do this because in the past weeks leading up to this event I ran this distance twice already. Not so much the distance I was worried about more finding my own pace and my inner calm. But I managed to focus on myself and I ran a nice race. Not fast, nothing to brag about in that sense but just a steady, calm and nice race. ANd boy did I have FUN. I had FUN. Really!! After the finish line Goofing around with Marianne And than there was my super amazing husband man. The man of the hour. My man. I love him. There he was. After ten miles of sweat and a guy actually emptying his NOSE on my CALFS....there he was....

When a shower of bricks rained down on me....

Hi Y'all Now the title of this here blogpost might ring a bell to few out there. Yes part of the lyrics of an hilarious song called 'The sicknote'. I can hardly describe the immensity of this week and looking back at the past maybe three years even I can only think that it must become very difficult to understand what is laid out on the path me and my love call our life. Let's try a summary of this week: On Monday my mom called. She tested negative on myasthenia gravis. Hurray and hallelujah would be a normal response were it not that this only means that she is now facing the very real option that it is ALS. The not-knowing right now is horrible. My mom is one of the strongest persons I know and as she broke down in tears it crushed my heart. I love her and I do not want to lose her at all, let alone to ALS. I'm scared and I feel utterly useless. There is just nothing we can do but wait for new tests at AMC hospital. Than on Tuesday night as we were on an adve...

Breaking taboos: The five stages of Runner's trots

Hi y'all After yet another week of teaching and dealing with normal life it seems to become a little easier to combine it all. I wrap my running schedule around my commuter distances to work and that helps. If I'm not running than I'm riding my bicycle to and from work. It's about an 11 or 13 km bike ride depending on the route I take. So switching biking to work for running back makes up for the 11km on Thursday. Now the title of this blog should be warning enough. So if you do not enjoy the dirty parts of running than by all means...STOP READING RIGHT NOW AND GO ABOUT YOUR NORMAL BUSINESS!! Good for you. Even after a fair warning you have decided to stick with me and read on. As you are well aware of I'm running for MLDS (CLICK HERE TO DONATE) a foundation that fights to create funding to help people with stomach/liver/bowel issues. Now after the past few weeks I figured let's see what is happening to me on those 8km-something-runs when I am in dire need of...