Hi y'all,
Last Sunday my blogtitle became a reality and I can only say that I am blessed, happy and over the moon by the all that was this most epic journey. Now if you by any change happen to stumble upon my blog via the link that you found in the article I wrote for TCS Amsterdam Marathon than I am sorry for being a bit late in updating my very own blog. These past two-and-half days were spend with my feet up and in a total state of 'woooaaah what adventure awaits me next??!! ' sharing stories with my family, writing about my first marathon for my fundraiser campaign, browsing through all social media updates, checking my race day photo's and by visiting my physical therapist to make the horrible muscle pain go away.
Running my first marathon has been an epic journey in all aspects and race day itself wasn't day I proved my worth. Race day was the day I ended an adventure by finding courage and strength in me to complete what I had started, Race day was the epic ending of an awesome adventure and the moment I passed that finish line I knew that it was the beginning of a new one. My journey is far from over. This marathon is just the beginning and the weirdest part about that notion is that as soon as I crossed that finish line I realized that deep down I have always known this. Like some old truth deep inside of me that needed an out, a way to surface and now it did. I am not afraid anymore because I know I can do this and I know that I have always known this. I am a marathon girl and I am a runner.
So what was it like? It was awesome. It was hard, painful, beautiful and just everything people tell you times ten at least. Since I have already written an article about it for TCS Amsterdam Marathon I feel like it is best to not give you a detailed account of race day here but you can read up on it via this link: ABOUT MY FIRST MARATHON
So now what will I tell you about this first marathon? Well...Running a marathon is so much more than just running a distance of 26.2 miles / 42km and 195 meters. Running a marathon is running the twisted mind and this might seem weird but I feel like it is just that, Why? Well it's like this:
Last Sunday my blogtitle became a reality and I can only say that I am blessed, happy and over the moon by the all that was this most epic journey. Now if you by any change happen to stumble upon my blog via the link that you found in the article I wrote for TCS Amsterdam Marathon than I am sorry for being a bit late in updating my very own blog. These past two-and-half days were spend with my feet up and in a total state of 'woooaaah what adventure awaits me next??!! ' sharing stories with my family, writing about my first marathon for my fundraiser campaign, browsing through all social media updates, checking my race day photo's and by visiting my physical therapist to make the horrible muscle pain go away.
Running my first marathon has been an epic journey in all aspects and race day itself wasn't day I proved my worth. Race day was the day I ended an adventure by finding courage and strength in me to complete what I had started, Race day was the epic ending of an awesome adventure and the moment I passed that finish line I knew that it was the beginning of a new one. My journey is far from over. This marathon is just the beginning and the weirdest part about that notion is that as soon as I crossed that finish line I realized that deep down I have always known this. Like some old truth deep inside of me that needed an out, a way to surface and now it did. I am not afraid anymore because I know I can do this and I know that I have always known this. I am a marathon girl and I am a runner.
So what was it like? It was awesome. It was hard, painful, beautiful and just everything people tell you times ten at least. Since I have already written an article about it for TCS Amsterdam Marathon I feel like it is best to not give you a detailed account of race day here but you can read up on it via this link: ABOUT MY FIRST MARATHON
So now what will I tell you about this first marathon? Well...Running a marathon is so much more than just running a distance of 26.2 miles / 42km and 195 meters. Running a marathon is running the twisted mind and this might seem weird but I feel like it is just that, Why? Well it's like this:
- When you are preparing for those 26.2 miles you will feel like it's probably the hardest thing you are ever going to do. When you ran it you will know that race day wasn't the hard part.Training for it was and even though you already knew this, it will not sink in as much as it will when you run that 26.2 miles. Why? Because you will have several hours to really think about that...unless you are a professional athlete in which case you will have about two hours to think it through. Every lesson you picked up in training will come back to you and you will hear the voice of each and every person that ever gave you advice on running your first full marathon whether it was asked for or not.
- Once you've completed your first marathon you will know it is not about the distance but it's about how you handle pain and fatigue, it's about how you quaff the bitter cup because you know what? It is hard to run for that long and let's face it: it IS quite the distance. So even though the secret lies within the biggest lessons life has to offer you and not in miles, the twisted thing is that it is those miles that teaches you those lessons.
- The whole thing is an individual journey and yet it's so not. It's learning to lean on others and being the helping hand. Running a marathon isn't something you do by yourself. You will meet incredible people and you will not forget them. They will be attached to/ part of that race for ever and they will make you smile each and every time you think of them.
- Running 26.2 miles is about planning each and every single thing you do because it will take every bit of spare time you have. Come taper time it's about learning to let go and about trusting that you have done all you could. After many many weeks of carefull planning you will have to let go and decide that your race is not just yours. People want to see you because they care for you and yes it scary because they might see you end up puking your guts out or failing but my guess? They will see you succeed! So it's about having faith in you because it is not all about you on that day. It's every bit as much the race of everyone involved.
That's it for now, until we read again
As always, Love
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