Hi y'all
Life can be daunting and downright shit at times and y'all know my life sure as hell isn't smooth sailing all the time. Like probably many of you I have to deal with a lot of aggravating muggles and pressure from society to handle shit like a true bell with dignity and grace. My mom taught us to never shed a tear in front of other so called grown-ups because you'll end up hurt when you show your emotions. We never ask why me, we pull up our chins and pull down our hats and say try me. So...however impossible things get, there is always a way to keep moving even if it feels like you simply can't. You can.
My upbringing has been colliding with the lack of that spirit in so many others that like me and the rest of the world have to deal with Covid19. It almost feels like there are two types of muggles: the ones feeling like someone is doing them wrong, like the world is out to get them and like they are never going to make it out and the ones that try to keep breathing, stop talking a lot and just overlook the stormy dark lake and try to figure out what can be done in stead of screaming how much they're being wronged and how much the government is holding on to a hoax. I just wanna tell y'all flat out: if you believe our government is pulling our legs and Covid19 is a hoax than I think you're stupid and need to go back to heaven because the quarter pee they stuck in your skull in stead of a brain (sorry they ran out) is now broken too. That being said, let's get back to running:
My mom taught us to always try to see what you CAN do. I distinctly remember the first time I ripped my ankle because I was dumb enough to jump off of a staircase and didn't see the lid of one of the street well's was off and I landed right in it. I believe I was 12. I was at a friends house and this was pre-internet cellphone time. So I asked my mom's friend if I could use the phone to call home. I could so I called home and my mom told me to just walk it off because if I could jump of a couple of stairs than I sure as hell could walk home. I did... I walked the mile and somewhat home and than my mom looked at my foot (big blue ball on it) and made me hop on the back of a bicycle to ride to the hospital. My parents never drove anything else than bicycles. Now I am not recommending you should walk over a mile on a busted ankle and I'm not saying this is the way to go about stuff like this BUT it did teach me a valuable lesson: even if you're in pain and even if you think you can't go on....you can.
For me it is truly annoying to have people complaining about all the things they can't do because of Covid and how much Covid has ruined their lives. I can't go to the gym....boo-bloody-fín-hoo go for a hike, bikeride or run by yourself! I don't like working out alone outdoors .... and why do you think I care? If you are not capable of motivating yourself nobody is. So just get up and get your butt out there. ...All my races are being cancelled....yep so are mine so what?! sign up of a virtual one and earn your medal by staying true to what you set out to do...I'm injured because I overdid some training excersise....SO AM I so now what? You're gonna curl up into a little ball and cry about it? Figure out what you CAN do...Can't run? walk! Can't walk either? Go swim. There is always a way. Trust me.
So how about me? well....I overdid strength and busted my butt muscles leading up to the point where my back got so stuck and so painful I thought I couldn't breath. To get rid of the cramped muscles I knew lying flat on my back or sitting wouldn't help me so I walked al lot the past couple of days. Why? Because come Tuesday I am facing a horrible day-trip to the hospital for minor surgery. I don't wanna go under with my back still blocked because I don't wanna wake up after in even more pain than I need to be. Even if I really wanted to run this stupid butt injury is holding me from it but you know what? I can walk and what's more....I love that the weather is changing. The air is cooling down, the winds are picking up and stormy season is back. So instead of running my miles, I walked them and ... I enjoyed them. So you see.....if you stop feeling sorry for yourself and just look at whatever it is you can do you might even end up liking what you do.
That's it for now, until we read again
As always, Love Marlies
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