Hi y'all,
Covid changed everything and one thing I truely am grateful for is that this entire insanity is suddenly breaking the stigma that up til right about this summer still lingered on virtual races. Now I have written about them several times before but today I ran one that to me is currently resetting even my standards. I ran the Groningen 4 mile virtually and it was different. I signed up via NN, I downloaded the mytrace app and chose a coral. So did my running buddy and sure enough....about 5 minutes before gun-time we were texting each other and seriously dealt with raceday jibbers. The gun went off, we took off and along route the audio guide kept us updated on buildings and sites of Groningen. Actually telling me: if you look to the right you can see....and truthfully...I DID and laughed because obvioulsy I did not see the Martini toren because I was running in Lelystad. So much fun.
So today I just wanna name some truely good virtual events that can help you stay motivated to reach your goals even when your gym has to close or you can't work out with friends because of the covid rules. You can always train solo and trust me some of these events are totally worth checking out:
1. Today's NN Runday used My Trace app. I'm not sure but you never know what new events are about to be released. https://mytrace.eu/en/
2. The conqueror events hosts several awesome routes in several epic distances allowing you to bike, walk, run, swim or whatever you can do to get your miles in and reach the destination of your virtual mission. Their races run on the myvirtualmission platform. I am currently walking/running/biking The camino the santiago. Each time I log a bikeride, a run or a walk, my logged miles make my avatar move over the route. I can click on my avatar and see myself on google streetview. Along way I get updates in the form of digital post cards and emails that tell me all about where I am. Once I reach those cathedral doors I will receive an awesome medal. I am loving every minute of this https://www.theconqueror.events/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw2or8BRCNARIsAC_ppyZkYjNniHKSr-iultlL36jo1Mq3XgqKoA1UwXLzBJ1ug6zNSdvkKCEaApfYEALw_wcB
3. More basic but definately not less fun are the ones by virtual runners world. These events can just boost your training schedule and give yourself something to look forward to ones those long runs reach distances over 10km. That awesome piece of bling will make you just run a little faster and or....make the run you had planned with a friend anyway just a little more fun. Go check m out...trust me they have great bling https://virtualrunners.org/collections
4. Another really good party for virtual running is Medal Mad. The launch new events for each month of the year. Giving you just that push to keep up with your trainings and they have events that feature inspirational, beautiful and fun medals. Thay work with an app and checking/logging your distance is very easy. So by all means try one of their races at https://www.medalmad.com/
5. The one virtual events party I will never stop following is the one that started it all for me: PHRC Runclub. A fanbased potter head run club that each and every year hosts amazing events wit one goal: fundraising. Your medal, your participation is a way to help charities fund their missions. And houses compete for the house cup every year. I am in Slytherin OB-VI-OUS-LY and if you, like me, are a true to the gut Potterhead that loves running as much as I do...you have GOT to check m out. Trust me. https://potterheadrunning.org/
Now these are the ones for me right now and I hope I just inspired you to overcome your prejudices if you have m and just actually TRY one of m before you judge people like me for running them. Remember: the distances are real, your goal is real and so is your own integrity. If you wanna go around bragging you ran some distance you actually didn't well than that's on you. Doesn't make any of this less real.
So go out therem change the world and be truthfull to you.
That's it for now, until we read again
as always, love Marlies
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