To my dear Dutch donating friends and all other readers,
A new blog. It has been a while since I blogged about anything so why start now? I am fortunate enough to be one of many runners of the famous Dutch Damloop and I've taken on this 10 mile run as fundraiser for a very good cause. They're called Stichting Zeldzame Ziekten Fonds This organisations' main goal is to raise money for research on rare diseases such as Kawasaki's disease and Neuralgic Amyotrophie.
Why this organisation when there are so many others? Well that is easy: Since little is known about those rare diseases research needs to be done. As we all know research is expansive and since everybody has to make budget cuts the research on these rare diseases is likely to be put on hold. But did you know in Holland most patients of a rare disease are children? And did you know that most rare diseases are life threatning or leave you (severely) impared? Did you know that in Holland 30% of the children suffering from a disease like that don't even get to live to the age of five? To me that is unacceptable!
So now for the running part. Why run? Beacause I still can. I want to use my muscles to create money for research and help people that can't anymore. I love to run and I don't know what I would do If I couldn't anymore. That is why I want to run this 10 mile run. For me this is a quadruple win situation: 1. I get to run at one of the biggest running events in Holland and 10 miles is quite the distance. 2. ZZF receives money for research on rare diseases. 3. All patients suffering from a rare disease will benefit and last but not least 4. My sponsors get to see me run in this major event, fighting my own battles and finishing this run no matter what!
This blog will keep you updated on my progress as I am training for the Damloop in September. You can follow me throughout all my own struggles and other things I most definately will have to overcome in order to run those 10 miles. And I know I have you all cheering and rooting for me. You can help me out in several ways. First of all by donating money via this link and no amount is too small. But there is more! Just promote this blog, follow me, ask others to follow me, follow me on twitter and retweet my Damloop related tweets. If not only for me a whole lot of other people will be so grateful.
With just over 7 months to go it is time to get a move on with my training schedule.
Until we read again: have fun!
Hi y'all, The world is filled with wishes, dreams, hopes and fears and I'm happy this tiny orb has all of m and yet that longing, that need, that hope for things to happen or maybe even the fear for them won't ever make anything happen. A dream alone will get you through a dark time but it won't make the night go away. Hope for better times will provide you with some sort of elastic band that might stretch a little further but it won't get you over that gap. A wish is nothing more than a whisper over candle light or a shooting star blasted into a universe that knows no sound and fears are the seeimingly unbreakable ties your mind has you wrapped in. The world won't give you anything, the universe can't hear you. People might and hopefully your mind will. Did you ever experience the absolute need to do something, no doubts nor fears about weather or not you're able to? That is exactly how I felt the first time I started training for a marathon. I wanted... donations can be made safe and simple right there. Copy-paste the link into your browser!