Well goodmorning to y'all (she said with a very broad smile)
Just got back from my first trainig of the week and I did what we call duurloop in Dutch. I should translate that but I am too sweaty and in dire need of a shower to actually do that right now but I will get to it....promise. However this was my lap
(can somebody please tell me why the links never work even though I do try to get them clickable? Sjiiieees)
I simply loved todays run! So much better than how I ended last week on friday. Did I tell you? I don't think I did. It was horrible. I struggled for 8km and I felt like dung. How come some runs are fantastic when others feel like war the entire time? This week I am off to a good start I think. If this run is the fortune cookie for the runs to come than I feel lucky already. Weather was beautiful and I love Sloterplas. So calm and quiet in the midst of all that noise.
After my run I immediatly went on with my 30DC and did 10 minutes of abs. That was way more difficult than I thought it would be but I kept going and I finished my 10 minute workout. So that is going well too.
Now how about my fundraiser? I am very happy to announce that thanks to a few friends I am now at 57% of my goal. I know you want to contribute and you can via this link. It is safe, simple and very easy. So donate:
I am unemployed, working my butt off to get some projects for my own company (check my own website at www.marliesvaneunen.nl and please contact me if you'd like to tour Amsterdam!!) and by doing all of this I stay focused and positive. This morning I can honestly say that I am lucky to be where I am today and I have so much to be thankful for. Most of all for the love of my life. So thank you. All of you!
This smelly but proud girl is gonna take a shower. As always: Until we read again.
Love Marlies
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