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Easy does it?

I thought I was doing really well and my toe was healing very quickly thus pigheaded as I am I went for a much needed run on monday 21-st. The run went well. I mean seriously well but than I came home and my hapiness turned to utter disgust when I took of my shoes and looked at my toe. One bloody mess it was and tuesday night my toe started throbbing and it turned red and even more ugly. Just to be on the safe side I called the hospital and the surgeon said he wanted to see the toe. So I went over to the hospital on wednesday and this is kind of what happened:

S:"So what have you been doing with that foot? Did you keep it up the first 48 hours?" Me:"Well I kept it up for 24hrs and after that I took off the bandages like you told me" S:"Did you walk around? Put some bodyweight on it?" Me:" Yes sir I did, I even went for a run last monday" S:"Wait a went for a run within the first week of an actual toe surgery?" Me:"Well...yes I did...I mean it didn't bleed or anything and it didn't hurt much so I thought it would be okay but when I came home the toe had bled out in my shoe" S:" Ma'am you have got to realize that you have been operated on. Walking is fine but running is out of the question for at least another week. Because you went running you opened the wound again". Me:"Oh...sorry"

That said he kind of shuffed me out of his office while shaking his head and mumbling things I imagine resemble words like 'stupid' 'ignorant' and 'dumb-ass'. So with running out of my schedule I wrecked my brain on physical activity and thus paddled to Ikea Haarlem on thursday and I went to the gym for some weights and cardio (rowing / cycling) on friday. My toe is starting to heal better now and I decided to wait until wednesday to go for a run. I do want my toe to heal even though I am actually jaleaous when I see people running by. So unfair they get to go and I don't. But even my physical therapist looked at me in utter shock when I told him I went for a run and he made sure I understood at least the basics of how my toe is supposed to heal. That was grose so now I'm trying to be a good girl and do as I am told. Bleeeh! I hate it.

On the cheerful side I'm doing a small experiment that is related to my Nutrition and physical activity for health course and I am cutting all artificial sweeteners out of my diet. It SUCKS I can tell you. I'm on day five today and so far my body is getting rid of all the chemicals that were in there so I am very tired all the time. I know this will change but it is not easy. I am making a thing out of it for another 25 days. No artificial sweeteners and sugar just as little as possible. So I'm drinking no soda's and no juices. I stocked up on agave syrup, maple syrup and fructose. These are the sweeteners that do not have a huge impact on your Glycemic Index. Hopefully I will be able to tell you what this does for me in the next 25 days. I'd like to feel better though that is for sure."

For now I'm going to do some exercises on the Wii. Until we read again, as always. Love, Marlies


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