Summertime. Finally. Sure took her some time to realize that she was actually late for her appointment with Amsterdam. However she's here now and that seriously throws a whole new set of issues at me. For instance: how do you recognize a runner in summer? Check the toes. See anything weird going on? Well let me show you
Nice hunh? Not really. Black toenails in flipflops? Not that nice. And I am pretty sure I've grosed some of you out by now. Oh btw I do wear those orthepedic-semi-hip-get-real-they'd-wish-Birckenstocks since my knees absolutely disagree on the heels department and I'm seriously tall enough as it is already. SO that is problem number one. Black toenails and hot weather. Brings a whole new definition to athlete's foot. Yuk! Anyone with a good nailpolish tip?
Problem number two has to do with bikini's and beaches. Now I have been writing about this before but this week I was shocked to the core when I stood on that dreaded scale in the gym. Can somebody please tell me why on earth they put that thing close to guys in sweats that moan like they're lifting the globe like Atlas? Horrific results! I kind of figured that I wasn't doing so good on the weight departement but this was far worse than I anticipated. I nearly sank to my knees sobbing but I'm not that type of girl. I get angry and than I cry. Not because I'm sad but because I just really loath my own weight and body. Now please don't start on the positive thinking thing because this is just me trying to explain what happens when summer gets here. But since I was at the gym I figured that scale must be off, like way off. Back home I found out it actually wasn't. I need to get rid of at least 10 kilo's if I want to make it through the half marathon alive. Now I know I can do at least 7 but I'm not so sure about the 10. And since I actually do have some issues with food (or what lies beneath food) I decided to go get me some help. Real help. Not from some stupid ass doctor but by someone who's specialized in sports and food. Hope to get some really good guidance now because I'm not affraid to say that I need it. I am not giving up on running that half marathon and I will do what it takes to finish this. So problem number 2 will be taken care of shortly. Eat that stupid summer
problem numer three. Can there be that many? Hell yeah! How about this one: you wax your legs because shaving them is disgusting and ugly and time consuming. Normally you get to the salon about once every four weeks and the epiladora's will kindly rip off all exces hair. So your legs are clean and smooth for at least two weeks but than week three comes around and you start to see those small hairs pushing through your skin. By this time you are not that is just a few hairs. So you take out your capri's and head outside. After a few kilometers you have to stop because you pass a traffic light (remember I live in Amsterdam) and than the horror reveals itself: HAIR...way more than you thought while getting dressed! Shamefully you finish your run, just praying all the way that nobody notices your bear-like look. Ofcourse you love nature but why the hair? Unfair and that next appointment is a week away. So now I have to run in my long tights because I don't want that hair to bee seen. Hot and sunny and I'm in long tights? Problem number 3.
And to finish it off we have problem number four: TOURIST ON BYCICLE! Now let me start by saying that I think you yellow-bike-mac-bike-renting-tourists should be given an award for sheer bravery. Why? Well most of you probably drove around on a bike around the age of 10 and the trainingwheels had just come off or something and furthermore I do believe that most of you never ever ride a bike for transportational purposes. Well this might come as a surprise to you but we locals here in Amsterdam really do use that bike to get from A to B. Why? Because public transport is slow, hot, smelly and you guys ride it most of the time. Now don't get me wrong: I'm not anti tourists (though I have to admit I like my own city best in october, november, january and february) but I am sick of tourists riding a bike when they clearly don't understand how it is done. Running in Westerpark gets to be so much less fun because of all the wobbly and wiggly tourists on bikes. It makes me wish for rain and lots of it because that makes you guys tend to stay clear of a bike.
Other than that I am actually doing fine on my trainingschedule and my motivation. I could use a little more support though so If you think reading my stories is fun and you are willing to contribute to a very good cause than please do not hesitate and just donate right hereSo summer? I love it but right now I am kind of hoping for a very rainy kind. Sorry guys.
As always, until we read again Love Marlies
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