Hi y'all,
Running is a gift and gifts are supposed to bring you joy, a smile and little love in your heart. With the month of giving dawning upon us I wanted to share a little of what I think running should be and why.
Running should be something you look forward to, not dread. It should be something you want to do not have to. Running in all it's weirdness really oughta make you carry a smile from ear to ear each and every time. Why? because running should bring you joy. It really really should.
Now I know it sometimes isn't easy to find joy in pushing your body over and through the pain threshold and way out of your comfort zone. It hurts to run long distances and depending on who you ask the pain can hit anywhere between mile 4 and way way above that. Pain can't be fun is something I can hear you think but as twisted as I might sound: you're wrong. Ofcourse I really don't like chafing, blisters and cramp but the fun begins when you realize that these sorts of pains can be ignored, you can run through them and you are able to do so much more than you think you can. The fun begins when you overcome yourself and run your first 10k, your first 10 miles, your first half marathon and finally your first full marathon. That sense of accomplishment, of pride is something that you'll never forget. The unrealness that it really was you who did it and that you are actually that strong that is more than fun. It is what makes running so addictive.
But there is so much more. Running isn't always easy and the thing that always helps me through the tough ones is this thought: If I need to walk bits and pieces than I will. There's no running police, I can't get disbarred for running 5 miles per hour and doing that for about 5hrs. If I can find and keep my smile because I walk bits and pieces and enjoy my time on the road than I am as much a runner as anyone out there.
So run and enjoy the little things like: the sun on your face, fighting the elements, taking in nature's beauty, singing along to the songs on your playlist, the relaxing sounds of your feet touching the ground in constant intervals, the thought of a great meal. Whatever you do just enjoy your time out in the open air. Because in all there is, it truely is a gift to be able to run and we must never forget that.
So this december I would like to ask you to give yourself the biggest gift you can give yourself and that is YOU-time. Grab your running shoes and spent 3 days a week outside on them. No matter your pace, no matter your distance and just have fun. Above all, HAVE FUN. Find yourself enjoying that (really) early sunset or maybe even that little late sunrise. Work and personal situation permitting try a lunchbreak on your running shoes. Embrace the rain, enjoy the crisp wintery air, stop and breathe every now and again and just enjoy the gift you alone can give yourself: a good run.
That's it for now, until we read again
As always, Love Marlies
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