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Ode to the last runner

Hi y'all

Today I ran the Zandvoort circuit run for the second time. It is a 12km run divided in three parts of 4km. The first part you run over a motor racing track, than you head down to the beach and run 4km over a stretch of beach and after that you run your last 4km back to the track and that is where you finish. Running isn't always fun and today in particular I didn't have fun. I was distracted a lot and I couldn't focus on what I was doing there and why I was there to begin with.

It started out pretty well with a good first 4km on the tracks feeling good and trying to stick with my own goal which was running within my D1 zone. It all went to crap when we got to the beach. You know it is not the first time that I compare running to life. At that stretch of beach, with high tide and hardly any beach, things got tough and when they do the uglyness that people carefully hide under a thick layer of well preserved politeness? Well that goes to crap with it. I ran at a slow pace because I had to run it in D1 and I had nowhere to go because, quite simply, there was nowhere else to go than just try to follow the slow herd that was in front of me and behind me. Apparently some douche bag just felt the need to push me aside and wiggle his body right in between mine and someone else's to get just two steps in front me. He pushed me in the water and screamed at me, called me a stupid cunt that had no business being there. Yep that really happened.

For a second I felt that old time nasty friend called self loath rolling over me but than I just got so angry. It is just too easy to push me over because you feel I shouldn't be there. You don't know me. You don't know my story and I can be sure of one thing: you started running once too. Who the hell do you think you are judging me for my pace? Here is what I have to say to you: SHAME ON YOU! Get off you freaking high horse and look at yourself. Think of what you were doing there and than what I might be doing there. I was trying to not give up. I was fighting my battle at my pace and you felt the utter need to make me feel like shit so you could what exactly? Feel better? Be faster? What? I can't respect someone like you. You know what? There was a lady, yes a true lady, I had the utmost respect for. Why? Because even though she was struggling like I was, she held her head and her spirit high. She was even trying sing along to a marching band when we came off of the beach.The smile that came back to my face? That was thanks to her. She lifted my spirit and she made me forget your selfish and horrible action. I salute her. I respect her.

The last 4km I just trotted on and I finished my run perfectly within the time of my D1 zone and even though I wasn't happy with how long that still takes me, I was happy that this run was over. But wasn't. I was extremely hungry (yes I should ask Glinda the Great what to do about that), my feet were soaked and there was just sand everywhere. The love of my life helped me out and after eating two sandwhiches and an egg and a full portion of my favorite Vega Sports apple-berry recovery drink, we were on our way to the train. As we walked up to the station we saw the last runner working very hard to keep it up and all she clearly wanted was to finish that race. I went to the side of the road to cheer her on and than I was overwhelmed with the negative comments she got. One guy right next to me said....yeah we can all do it at that pace. I looked him in the face and nearly screamed at him that a mile is a mile and that the distance just doesn't change and that he lacked respect. You'd think the rest would get it right? Nope. An older looking man screamed at is called RUNNING. This time I snapped and told him I would have loved to see his first race.

My god people! Have you forgotten what it was like when you started out? So you can run a freaking 12km race well under the hour even with the beach gone. So what? Should I be impressed? Guess what?  I am not! You lot [looks at the nasty runners] just made me realize that running, if anything, almost every time humbles me. I have not forgotten what I was capable of when I started out and I have nothing but the utmost respect for that last woman that finished that race. No matter what, she kept going. And you, nasty pushing and screaming people. All you want is your fix. You can only feel good about yourself by putting other people down. That tells me two things: one that you just must feel very lonely and not loved. Why on earth would you need to that if you'd feel secure and loved? And second of all: you have never had anyone that was concerned enough to teach you this: if you ain't got nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all [ ..thank you Kacey Musgraves for this awesome song CLICK AND FIND OUT]

For me you lot [nasty people on this run], do not embody the running community. You are not part of it. The runners I know are kind people that will always run back to pick you up when you are in the back, that will ask you if you are okay when you decide to walk for a bit and drink some water, that will root for you when you have reached your goal even if theirs is way bigger and hand you a tissue when you are angry because you just couldn't do it.

Today I want to thank the best coach ever for his inspiration and his kind way of helping me reach my goals even if they are unrealistically huge. So thank you Franklin. I have not forgotten how I started out and how you have always asked me to come run with you. You are a true runner. I want to thank my bootcamp buddies because you guys are fun to run with and always cheer me up even if I'm all the way in the back. Today I salute runners all over the world who get up and make their dreams come true against all odds and so today I salute the last runner of the Zandvoort circuitrun 2016. You rock lady and don't let anyone ever make you feel like you shouldn't have been there.

And because you always hold your head up high and you should celebrate each and every run because you went out and did it anyway no matter what....that is why I'm posting these two pcitures. Me at the finish line and me with the love of my life proud to have done it.

That's it for now. As always, until we read again,
Love, Marlies


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